Madaripur, Biswan Road Sidhauli-261303



  1. The main purpose and object of this school is make your child a good student, diligent and industrious ,honest and truthful ,just and fair in dealings with all. Please help us in this great and noble task.
  2. In order to secure all that is best in education of our children, the maximum co-operation between parents and the school authorities is desired Hence ,parents/guardians are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, by seeing that they prepare their lessons daily, come to school in time, wear neat and clean uniform and take and active interest in the activities of the school.
  3. Occasional reports about conduct and application of your child will be sent to you by the teachers through phone or this hand book. Teacher see that the lessons and home-work assignment for the next day are done.
  4. Students attending school without the leave note, repeatedly coming late or for getting to bring books, diary, or coming without the proper uniform will be given diary note.
  5. Parents are required to sign the Report card and any other similar document relating to their children when requested.
  6. Parent guardians or visitors are not allowed to see the student or interview their teachers during school hours without the sanction of the principal. They are requested to come to the parents-teacher meeting when arranged.
  7. Criticism of the teachers or school in the presence of the students should be studiously avoided because it causes them to lose respect for their teachers with a consequent failure to learn from the teachers. should a parents have legitimate complaint, it may be brought to the notice of the Principal.
  8. Absence from school even for one day must be supported by a leave letter from the parents or guardian of the student. If absence on account of illness lasts for more than three days, the application for leave must be made to the principal accompanied by a Doctor’s certificate.
  9. Should there be any infections disease in the home, parents should keep their child/children at home, till the danger of infection has passed.
  10. If a student is likely to be absent though illness for a long period, the Principal must be informed immediately through an application with the name class and section.
  11. Guardian of students are advised not allow their ward to wear any jewellery and their nails should be trimmed properly.
  12. To ensure safety of their bicycles students are advised to keep their bicycles at their allotted plece and be locked. School is not responsible for loss or theft of the bicycle.
  13. The school does not accept responsibility legal or otherwise for unforeseen accidents in the school or while traveling in the school buses and on tours and travel.
  14. Changes in address telephone number of parents or guardians must be intimated to the school in writing and without delay.
  15. When communicating with the principal, parents are requested to mention in their letter the name, class and section of their child/children.
  16. Parents/ Guardian are requested not to give any money to children unless they receive a written notice from the school. Children should be provided with Tiffin lunch, so that they do not buy unwholesome food from vendors.
  17. Phone calls for teachers or student during class hours will not be entertained.
  18. The school, its teachers and the parents are together in a continuous process of the education of their child.In difficult situation,calm and gentleness should be displayed, so that the atmosphere is cordial, realizing that the net result of recrimination falls Ultimately on the Child.
  19. Parents are requested,not to allow their wards to come to school in self-driven vehicles.


  1. fee once paid is not refundable and transferable .
  2. The last day for paying the fees will be the 20th of every month.
  3. Otherwise a fine of Rs. 100/-Per day will be charged.
  4. If there are 3 children of same parent, 50% concession will be given in fees of 3rd child. If there are 4 children of same parent ,100% concession will be given on fees of 4rth child.
  5. No student will be allowed to appear in the examination ,If the fees are not paid .
  6. The school reserves the right to increase the fees.if an increment is considered necessary.
  7. If fees of the whole year are deposited a discount equivalent to fees of one month is given.


  1. Each student is expected to be punctual. A pupil may not be allowed to sit in the annual examination if he/she has not put in minimum of 75% of the attendance in the academic session.


  1. Administrater/Principal reserve the right to waive any of the rules mention above without assigning any reason for the action.
  2. The interpretation of any rule above as well as any amendment to it rests solely and entirely with the governing body of the school. These interpretations shall be final and binding on parents and students and no case shall in any court of law in respect of their decision.

How To Study

  1. There is no magic formula to secure a high rank in your class countinous effort with proper methodology will lead to success.

Study Condition

  1. Avoid all noises and try to find a place which is quiet and comfortable keep all your books. notes and dictionary etc. near the hand so that you will not waste time in looking for them.
  2. See that there is proper light in the room where you study.
  3. Poor light spoils, your eyes.
  4. Let there be plenty of fresh air. it will keep you and your mind fresh.

Make A Study Plan

  1. Divide you time equally well between play and study. You know that ’ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK DULL BOY’
  2. Make your own time-table for study. Read tommorrow’s lesson today.

Revise As Often As Possible

  1. If you have learnt a mathematical formula or some grammatical rule Try to solve as many examples you can. This will make you more skilled.
  2. Do not learn notes by heart Read you text books and try to write your own notes.

About Your Home Work

  1. Do it regularly and neatly.
  2. Try to do it yourself .Of course you may do it in cooperation with your friend but never copy it from anywhere .You will make your future.